New Release
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi سَلَامُ ٱللّٰهِ عَلَيْه (Arabic: مُحَمَّد ابْنِ ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِي, romanized: Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Mahdī سَلَامُ ٱللّٰهِ عَلَيْه) is believed by the Twelver Shia to be the last of the Twelve Imams and the eschatological Mahdi سَلَامُ ٱللّٰهِ عَلَيْه, who will emerge in the end of time to establish peace and justice and redeem Islam.

Complete Series Of
Published Books
He has author 8 books which are available to order online or from Madrassa tu Alwalayah Bhara kahu. Following books has been released under his name:

Knowledge of Imam e Zamana AJFS
Discussion Sections
The book has detailed discussion on the following sections:
1. Overview of life of Imam e Zamana AJFS
2. Qualities of Imam e Zamana AJFS
3. Identity of Imam e Zamana AJFS
4. Companion of Imam e Zamana AJFS
1. Overview of life of Imam e Zamana AJFS
2. Qualities of Imam e Zamana AJFS
3. Identity of Imam e Zamana AJFS
4. Companion of Imam e Zamana AJFS

Discussion Sections
The book has detailed discussions on the following sections:
1. Taweezat o Amaliyat
2. Ilmo Adad aur Palmistry
3. Secrets of Palmistry
1. Taweezat o Amaliyat
2. Ilmo Adad aur Palmistry
3. Secrets of Palmistry

Asrar-e- Imamat-o-Wilayat
Discussion Sections
This book has detailed discussion on 7 sections under the Quranic guidance:
1. Tawheed
2. Quran
3. Fiqh
4. Ma’arif
5. Hukam o Lataif
6. Al-Haqayat
7. Al-Maraa
1. Tawheed
2. Quran
3. Fiqh
4. Ma’arif
5. Hukam o Lataif
6. Al-Haqayat
7. Al-Maraa

Discussion Sections
The book has detailed discussion on the following sections:
1. Overview of life of Imam e Zamana AJFS
2. Qualities of Imam e Zamana AJFS
3. Identity of Imam e Zamana AJFS
4. Companion of Imam e Zamana AJFS
1. Overview of life of Imam e Zamana AJFS
2. Qualities of Imam e Zamana AJFS
3. Identity of Imam e Zamana AJFS
4. Companion of Imam e Zamana AJFS
Publications In Progress
Following books are in process of compilation and will be released in due course:
- Shara’ih Bidayatulhikma (Two volumes)
- Shara’ih Makasib (Two volumes)
- Shara’ih Luma (Few sections namely:)
➥ Kitab o Taharat
➥ Bahas Waqt o Qibla
➥ Kitabul Khums
➥ Kitabul Miras